Ancient Soul-care
with Prana Estu
anahata tradition
Anahata Yoga and the Five Element Form is a humble and ancient, holistic yoga tradition from the Himalayas. Connected to earth and the heavens; 5 Elements, Sun, Moon and Stars. The founding intention is to open Anahata Chakra.
Sidereal astrology
~ A Birth Chart reading Your unique energetic, cosmic blueprint. Illuminating potential challenges as well as gifts and purpose.
~ Transit Chart reading Life cycles you are going through or will go through. Offering guidance on how to navigate through challenges and opportunities for growth and creation.
~ Astrological coaching or consulting offers support and space for inner processing tailored to your needs based on you astrological (Birth or Transit) charts.
Explore your unique soul, self and purpose
through the guidance of your birth chart.
Zoom . 75min . €120
Explore how your main energetic cycles of the upcoming year may effect you your personal growth and creative process.
Zoom . 60min €100
What is Hypno Therapy?
The world of hypnosis practice and application is vast (and sometimes murky). Hypnotherapy is only a small part of it. It uses the state of hypnosis, accessing the Subconscious or ‘Sun-conscious’ mind with the intention to re-integrate fractures in the deeper psyche through processing emotions, energy and accessing insight that our modern ‘normal conscious mind’ does not have access to.
This can be useful for personal ‘healing’ or for ‘awakening’, growing intuition and wisdom.
~ Long form Hypnotherapy sessions are 2-3 hour long ‘quantum’ or ‘spiritual’ hypnotherapy sessions that take you on a deep inner journey.
~ Inner processing sessions are 75 min sessions using hypnotherapy or various forms of hypnotherapy such as EMDR, Havening and Sound Therapy to process inner dynamics of the deeper psyche and create coherence.
These sessions are only offered in person. For online inner processing support please consider Sidereal Astrology coaching or consultation.
From Sub-conscious to Sun-conscious
“Modern psychology has termed the largest part of our mind, where we store all our experiences, memory, emotions, knowledge and tap into states of creativity, inspiration and intuition the ‘Sub-conscious’. As if it were inferior or only partially conscious. Let’s call it the ‘Sun-conscious’.
Original people knew about the Sun-conscious and lived and perceived through it every day.”
Paraphrasing from Trevor Wie, ‘Knowledge Transferrer’ of the original people’s social psychology system.
The state of meditation (not mindfulness) and the state of hypnosis are both states of consciousness that give access to the ‘Sun-conscious’ mind.
I’m Prana, a Sidereal Astrologer, Hypnotherapist, custodian of the Anahata Yoga & Meditation Tradition and mystic at heart. Through my beloved tradition and interpreting the energies of the skies I offer assistance in exploring the deeper psyche with the intention of inner
transformation, growing self-knowledge and ethical intuition.
My services :
~ Anahata Tradition teachings and practices IRL and online through the journal posts (sign up to the newsletter for updates)
~ Sidereal Astrology consulting and coaching through zoom
~ Hypnotherapy sessions in person
I’m trained and well versed in EMDR, havening and trance meditation.
Classes . courses . events
Online – Zoom
The 5 element form is the purification and initiation practice of the Anahata yoga tradition. In this course we will learn the foundational Anahata meditation, energy practice and 5 Element philosophy realised through 20 moving meditations intended to purify the different levels of the body (pancha koshas); physical, energetic, mental, astral, creating more space for divine spirit.
Inner Alchemy
Online – Zoom
(Only for those who have completed Course . 1 )
In this course we will build on the last course and learn to use the elements as a subtle energetic language that communicates with the fabric of reality. We will explore the astral body : 7 chakra system and learn supportive, purifying and healing practices that use and improves our bodies’ bio-energy. These practices bring depth to the 5 element movements. Symbols archtypes and dreams