Sidereal Astrology
True Sky Astrology aligned with the cosmos
crescent inscence
Discover your cosmic blueprint
and purpose aligned with the stars.
Zoom . 60min . €100
Uncover your potential for growth and evolution
aligned with the patterns of the planets.
Explore your cycles for the upcoming 6 months-1 year.
Zoom . 60min €100
Evolve in conscious alignment
with your cosmic blueprint (birth chart).
* Only after a Birth Chart or Forecast (Transit) Reading *
A Sidereal coaching & consultation session involves
inner processing and support according to your needs and the dynamics that were revealed in your reading.
Zoom . 60min . €60-€65
( packages available )
For any short questions,
personal moon readings
or follow-ups on readings
Zoom . 30min . €35
Your cosmic blueprint.
Discover your self and purpose
through the guidance of your birth chart.
Video recording . 40min . €75
Your potential for growth
influenced by the cycles of the planets.
Discover your cycles for the upcoming 6 months.
Video recording . 25min . €50