Terms & Conditions

Last updated : 28/02/2024
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about open anahata

Open Anahata is a dedication to the Anahata Tradition and lineage, past and future. The Anahata system of practices offers a holistic foundation to self-care and soul-evolution grounded in yoga ethics and trialed through many generations.

Our hope is to maintain an open, oral tradition connected to nature and to grow trauma-informed methods of practice, self-inquiry and community on the paths of radical self understanding, cosmic awakening and kundalini rising.

Teachings, philosophies and inspired stories are shared through journal posts on this website. Sign up for the newsletter to receive updates. See the calendar for classes, courses and events.

We explore mindful ways of connecting through digital technology and prefer to share posts via this website, newsletter and telegram.

5 elements

Like many ancient philosophical traditions Anahata yogis observed primal elements. Earth, fire, air, water and akasha (aether) are the five used in the Anahata Five Element Philosophy. They inform a nonverbal language that connects to nature and the subtle energies of reality, setting the foundation to grow and ground psychic perception.

In yoga experience is knowledge, so philosophy is practiced. It is not just an intellectual activity.

The Five Element Purification Practice or Tattwa Shuddhi Saddhana is a system of holistic moving and detoxifying meditations for shifting and balancing physical, energetic, conscious and unconscious mental patterns.  It is an integral part of the Anahata tradition. The movements and philosophy are woven into the classes and daily life. Tattwa Shuddhi Saddhana is often taught as a system on its own as it is suitable for all levels and all shapes of human. See the calendar for upcoming workshops or classes.

Anahata tradition

In the ancient Himalayan foothills of northern India, a lineage of yogis lovingly developed a holistic self care practice inspired by life immersed in mountain-scapes and nature.

Rocky crevices where one misstep meant death, formed ergonomic asanas to improve stamina, agility and stability. High altitudes shaped breath work for optimizing oxygen retention and reinvigorating energy. Night skies illuminated by stars and campfires invoked dream exploration and methods for navigating states of consciousness in trance. Living self-sufficiently nurtured healing techniques that harness the body’s regenerative processes. But above all, the yogis observed that by tuning into their heart intelligence ALL of their life sustaining qualities improved. They became more connected with their environment as well as with themselves. They called their system of practice, Anahata Yoga. Anahata, named after the energetic heart.

Without books or libraries, knowledge was shared through an oral tradition of experiential learning and body memory. Emphasis was placed on inner awareness and meditation filled movements referred to as the dances of Shiva and Shakti. The dances of duality. 

Unlike most hatha yoga traditions popular in the west, Anahata yoga evolved through a lineage outside of the higher priestly castes. Maintaining a tradition devoted to our unique Human Path and journey of individuation.

Your Subconscious

You have a deeper mind, called the subconscious. It is like a hard-drive that stores and connects all your experiences, associations, projections, emotional triggers and unquestioned beliefs. This information influences your behavior, how you think and what you feel. True inner change takes place at this deep and fundamental level of the psyche. Accessing it consciously requires openness to self-inquiry, body connection and a shift in awareness through practices such as meditation, trance, or self hypnosis.

Inner-processing and hypnotherapy sessions facilitate inner transformation and growth through accessing the subconscious mind.

Anahata practices based in yoga psychology offer a holistic system for processing and releasing subconscious patterns through meditation and movement.

astrology aligned with the stars

Sidereal means ‘determined by the stars’ or ‘star time’.

Sidereal Astrology aligns with the real sky, the location of the planets in the stars (zodiac) as they really are NOW.

This means that a Sidereal Astrology reading can include the
energetic influences of stars such as Sirius, the Pleiades and the
powerful 13th zodiac, Ophiuchus. In ancient times, these star energies have guided our connection to cosmic consciousness.

Doesn’t all Astrology align with the real sky? No, and here’s why:

2000 years ago the constellations in the sky matched the seasons. The Sun rose in Aries (the first sign of the zodiac) during the first day of spring. But since then, the stars have changed position due to something known as the ‘precession of the equinox’. Today when you look at the sky on the first day of spring, the Sun rises in a different zodiac sign : Pisces.

Most western astrology uses ‘tropical astrology’ which was developed 2000 years ago and is based on the seasons and Sun (spring starting with Aries) and NOT what is really happening in the stars and sky now (spring starting in Pisces). There is now a growing difference of one to two zodiac signs between tropical western astrology and the real, visible sky.


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