What is Sidereal Astrology (vs Tropical Astrology) ?
photo : Photons on a roof-terrace at sunset.
Energetic architecture.
Beliefs, like walls with windows can block out and allow in, light.
We experience our walls to be real and learn to make a home within them.
Can we also be the architect?
Build some rooms with open-sky roofs?
And doorways that lead to the observable galaxy beyond?
sidereal /sī-dîr′ē-əl/
of, relating to, or expressed in relation to stars or constellations : astral
Sidereal Astrology is astrology that is aligned with the stars and cosmos. It observes and interprets the REAL sky, the positions of the planets in the zodiac constellations as they are NOW.
Doesn’t all astrology? No.
Mainstream western astrology also known as ‘Tropical Astrology’ (which you see in all the magazines and big astrology apps and websites) does not use the real position of the zodiac stars. It is not aligned with the cosmos. It is a system that is stuck to the sky as it was 2000 years ago around the beginning of the rise of the Roman empire. The sky has changed since then.
An Astrological LAnguage
Before we continue I would like to share an analogy for those who are new to astrology:
Astrology is both a science (technical) and an art (intuitive). It is comparable to a type of language. Language has rules and technicalities but can be used to express and describe less defined realms of the soul. Think of poetry, song, recounting dreams or describing feelings.
The language of astrology is used to express energy and a philosophical paradigm of connection with the cosmos. It uses symbols because symbols can convey a hundred words with one glyph.
In many ways the client work of an astrologer is to serve as an interpreter and translator of the astrological language and convey what it expresses without the client needing to learn all the glyphs and technicalities.
Personal Astrological readings are always tied back to the birth chart or natal chart. Which is a map of the sky at the moment of your first breath, It is seen as your cosmic blueprint.
A birth chart is usually made of 2 circles. One within the other. The inner circle represents earth, and the outer circle represents the sky path or zodiac belt. It is made up of all the constellations that are located on the ‘ecliptic’, the path the sun makes across the sky.
The composition of the outer circle is where sidereal and tropical astrology have the most technical differences. Because the sidereal outer circle is based on the observable real sky, and the tropical outer circle is not.
the sky changes
equinox /ē′kwə-nŏks/″
either of the two times each year (as about March 21 and September 23) when the sun crosses the equator and day and night are everywhere on earth of approximately equal length. The beginning of Spring. The beginning of Autumn.
The sky changes. Something known as the ‘precession of the equinox’ observes that the stars in the sky move 1° every 72 years from our perspective on earth.
2000 years ago on the first day of spring, the sun rose in the Aries constellation. Now, on the first day of spring the sun rises in the Pisces constellation.
the zodiac constellations have different sizes
When you look up at the night sky you will see that the real constellations vary in size. Nature did not divide the zodiac belt into 12 equal parts.
there is a 13th sign on the ‘zodiac belt’
Ophiuchus, the serpent bearer is the 13th sign of the zodiac.
He represents the Higher Self, the Healer, the knowledge of regeneration, rebirth and the element of Akasha (aether.)
The Galactic Center is directly behind the Ophiuchus zodiac sign.
Wikipedia says : “The Galactic Center is the barycenter of the Milky Way and a corresponding point on the rotational axis of the galaxy. Its central massive object is a supermassive black hole of about 4 million solar masses…”
Seems like a pretty significant and energetic part of the zodiac belt right?
Many ancient Astrologers including the Mayans recognized this point in our sky and the Egyptians recognized the Ophiuchus constellation. So do Sidereal Astrologers. Because wherever Ophiuchus is in your chart is your access to the Akashic records and deep cosmic wisdom.
Stars shine brightly too
The zodiac constellations are the constellations on the ‘ecliptic’, the path the Sun makes. There are more constellations outside of the ecliptic than on it. Some of our brightest stars that catch our eyes when we gaze into the night sky, like Sirius (Canis Major) and Vega (Lyra) are outside of the ecliptic.
Sidereal astrologer’s see the potential that the closer and brighter the star is the more energetic (light) impact it has on our earthly experience whether it’s on the ecliptic or not. So we keep an eye on their positions in a chart.
True story : I did a reading for my friend Maia (whose parents aren’t Sidereal Astrologers) In her chart her sun position was in conjunction (merged) with the Pleiades star cluster, one of the 7 seven stars of this cluster is called ‘Maia.’ Cosmic coincidence.
Starseeds are you listening?
sidereal Paradigm
1. Everything is energy and energetically connected. We are connected to the real planets and stars. The latest science is talking about electric universe theory and plasma fields in space. Wouldn’t it be amazing if astrology and astronomy were once again sister sciences.
2. Evolution and change happen. Our sky changes and evolves, , our astrology must observe and take note of these changes, so that we can use astrology as a tool for our own growth, transformation and ascension.
3. The original astrologers were ancient stargazers. Astro means star. Astrology was originally and still should be rooted in observing the real sky.
4 Nature is a direct expression of cosmic intelligence. The real sky is natural. Observing and directly connecting with the natural world is an act of meditation and contemplation that can inspire us to look beyond ourselves and limited mental perception.
5 The real sky unites us, connecting with it opens us to connecting with star lore and wisdom from the indigenous and original peoples across the world. We all share the same sky (but see it from different angles.)
6 We exist in a fractal universe. The alchemical wisdom saying goes “As a move so below. AS within so without, AS the universe so the soul” This universe is real , we just need to open our eyes and our minds, look within, and look up, at the real sky.